Critiques and criticism of the SCA Society for Creative Anachronism
1 critiques , criticism of sca
1.1 authenticity
1.2 extent of royal influence
1.2.1 authenticity of determining king combat
critiques , criticism of sca
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tensions regarding desirable degree of authenticity @ sca functions highlighted david friedman in articles dying dream , concerning c in sca .
the accepted minimum standard attendance @ sca event attempt @ pre-17th century clothing , leads numerous discussions of definition of attempt . sca events have been dedicated particular historic events or have portions of camping sectioned off strict reenactment, called enchanted ground , in more strenuous attempts made keep anachronistic objects , actions out.
the distinction between goals of fun , authenticity ongoing philosophical conflict within society. see, example, debates, sca newsgroup on usenet.
sca members use modern elements when necessary personal comfort or medical needs, or promote safety (i.e. using rattan swords or shear thickening substances padding. unlike other living history groups, sca gatherings not reenact specific time or place in history. consequently, sca events more self-referential individual members personas several cultures , historic periods represented @ event. sca may more of subculture reenactment group. instance, discussions of grand council of sca, advisory group board of directors, debated @ length.
one argument in sca meaning of creative anachronism . oft-quoted though unofficial sca motto middle ages should have been .
despite such criticisms, there educational quality group s activities , have helped foster deal of valuable research, in area of medieval crafts.
extent of royal influence
northshield court @ outdoor sca event
the extent of crown s authority varies kingdom kingdom. argument on extent of royal influence strong element of sca s internal culture. 1 view of can found in mike woodford s trends of change in sca.
authenticity of determining king combat
actual medieval monarchs not chosen tournament combat. there are, however, literary , historical bases custom, famously tournament in sir walter scott s ivanhoe. in middle ages, there number of different mock king games, of involved form of combat, such king of mountain or king of archers. in 17th century cotswold games developed, winner of declared king . also, medieval sagas contain accounts of uniting petty kingdoms under single king through actual combat.
the sca s first event did not choose king . fighters vied right declare ladies (only men fought @ first event) fairest , later called queen of love , beauty .
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